The COVID19 pandemic has changed the way we do almost everything. We have had to make so many adjustments just to get through the days and get done the most important things, but, now as we enter phase 3 of the reopening here in Ontario, it symbolizes that it just might be time to start do be able to do a little more.
One of the things that may or may not be reopening soon are gyms. Maybe, like many of us, you’ve been waiting for gyms to reopen to get back into (or even to start anew!) your workouts.
It makes perfect sense. Gyms are where the equipment is, where the group classes are (Zumba anyone?), where the trainers are.
Unfortunately, though, gyms are one of many things that we are STILL unsure about as we enter the second summer of the pandemic. So… what are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to know how or when to workout when we still don’t even know what the rules will be?
Well.. the key to managing with all the craziness in the world is to come up with a flexible workout that will work for you – wherever you are or whatever the situation is going to be. We can’t wait for the world to accommodate us – especially not these days.
There are plenty of workouts that you can do at home with minimal equipment – and when it comes to the things you do need, you may be surprised at some of the substations that are available. Want to lift weights, but have no weights to lift? Use plastic water bottles or milk jugs filled with water or sand. Want to do a bunch of chin ups? Try the monkey bars at the nearby playground.
If you are someone who prefers taking classes – those can be available in a modified way too! Many gyms are offering zoom classes. If you don’t like doing them alone, you can get a few friends and do them together.
This pandemic has been tough on all of us. But as we hopefully start to get to a careful new normal… let’s also remember to take care of ourselves in all ways.
And if you want or need any support in your exercise journey – please contact us for a free assessment – no gym required!
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